Did I mention that Katie did great on the plane, sleeping through not only both flights, but also through the hour that we sat on the runway before our flight to Louisville took off? She is doing great, overall, although I have been informed that she is worrying her Grandma today a little bit. My mom is here taking care of Katie - today is their first day at home together. I think it's going ok, but that (not really a newsflash, but easy to forget for anybody who doesn't have to do it every day, me included) it's a tough job to take care of a nearly-five-month-old. The fussing, the sleeping, the eating, the grabbing, the chewing, the babbling. The attention-demandingness of it all. | ![]() Chicory Originally uploaded by jessamyn8470. |
Katie and I had a relatively difficult day on Saturday ourselves. Geoff packed for his trip and left for Indiana at about 11:30. He spent the next four hours or so driving to Anderson. Katie and I spent from about 11 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon trying to get her to sleep. Finally, she slept for an hour and a half. And then she woke up, and it was 6:00, and where had the day gone?
She made up for the difficult day, though, by going to sleep at 8:45 and not even making a peep until 4:30 in the morning (at which time she ate and then went back to sleep until 8 am!). Heather & Arek (who live upstairs) had the monitor with them while I went to Erin's bachelorette party for a couple of hours, and they never even had to come downstairs.
This afternoon after I'd talked to my somewhat stressed-out mother, who'd called to let me know that she was a little stressed-out, I called her back.
I let her know that there was chocolate on the nightstand next to my bed, and that she shouldn't be afraid to use it. Chocolate will help at least a little bit, right?
(Katie and I didn't end up going on any of the mini photo shoots that I had envisioned. I took the photo above on Saturday morning, before Geoff left on his trip. I have always loved the blue flowers of the chicory weed. Is that the same chicory that goes into coffee?)
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